2013年1月14日 星期一

15th Year Anniversary Dinner (25 Jul 2012)

Current Releases

15th Year Anniversary Dinner
25 Jul 2012
Quality Management Mechanism - Warehouse Patrol
The 15th Year Anniversary dinner was held on 29th June 2012. All Oriental Logistics staffs were invited who then left with a happy smile and a full stomach!

During the dinner, colleagues had a lot of fun and the mood was running especially high when playing games. The whole room was filled with bursts of applause.

Also, the 15th Year Anniversary crystal containers were given to the guests. It was a great night and it was ended with some group shots.

( Provided by Oriental Logistics 
:  http://www.orientallogistics.com/newoll04/html/eng/pr/2012/20120725.htm )
